The Best Free Scrivener Alternatives

It has now been more than two years since I published my original article, The Best Free Novel Writing Software. While the free novel writing software market hasn’t changed a whole lot, I wanted to take a look at a few new programs out there as well as talk about some of the updates made…

How to Stop Chasing Perfection With Your Writing

Let’s imagine for a moment that you’ve got a brilliant idea for a story. So you sit down to write it, excited about what a great story it could become when you suddenly freeze up. You start out with a sentence or two, maybe even several paragraphs only to delete it and try again. While…

Introducing: Evergreen, A Novel by Thomas J Torrington

It was late last summer when my story with Evergreen began. I was on the new social network Gab, interacting with other writers in one of the writer’s chats we had been using to share ideas and connect with fellow writers. For a few months, I had been contemplating the idea of getting into book…

Book Review: Escaping Infinity

A few weeks ago, someone stated that dystopian science fiction was simply what is “in” and relevant to our time and that there is no real place for utopian science fiction today. While there are many sentiments I could express to state how misguided such thinking is, I will simply say that it is obvious…

A Rant: Writing in Present Tense is Garbage

A while back, I was looking for a couple young adult books and came across a book called The Girl with Many Gifts. It was highly praised and I considered picking it up, but I realized to my horror after reading the first few paragraphs, that the whole thing was in present tense. At first,…

Book Review: Wulf

I found the novel Wulf when I was searching for western science fiction novels to read. For reasons I will soon reveal, I’ve been interested in exploring the quite under-served genre. After choosing Wulf to be my first western sci-fi, my first impression of the book was uncertainty. I really didn’t know what to think…

Book Review: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

While it may be breaking a cardinal rule of reviewing books—because it’s been years since I’ve read this book, I have a very good reason for reviewing it. I also don’t plan on reviewing too many classics on this blog. However, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (DADOES) by Philip K. Dick has some very…

The Best Language Learning Tools

A few months ago, I wrote an article on why every writer should learn a foreign language. The reality is, it gives writers a perspective they wouldn’t have otherwise. Learning a new language is a way to get into the mind of someone you don’t understand and for a writer, that is what it takes…

Book Review: For Steam and Country

My experience with the new steampunk fantasy For Steam and Country, began when the author Jon Del Arroz approached the Uprising Review about promoting his new book release. I was excited to further one of our primary goals at UR of helping out our fellow upcoming writers and loved the idea of being the first…

5 Awesome Tools for Writers

The biggest thing that sucks about being a writer today is all the constant distractions. It’s easy for writers today to have quite the love hate relationship with technology. In the spirit of making life as a 21st century writer a little easier, here are my 5 favorite tools for writers to help you become…